Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Easter Sponge cake with strawberries

I found this recipe on Pinterest and thought it looked delicious. The quantities are American cups and uses a boxed cake mix so I thought I'd post it here using grams and making the cake from scratch.

I also decided to add some marshmallows and mini eggs to make a dessert for our Easter Lunch at Nanny's.

I have a little confession to make.... the sauce on my cake didn't thicken like in the picture on the link from Nest of Posies. I wanted to make a dessert that would serve 6 of us and have some leftover for the next day so I doubled up the amounts, only I forgot to double up the butter and sugar in the sauce!

Our sauce soaked right in to the cake which was lovely but not as it should have been. The recipe below has been doubled so hopefully it should work well :)

I have no idea how many calories this contains but it's safe to say it will be A LOT!


For the cake:

220g Self Raising Flour
220g Sugar
220g Butter
4 Eggs

For the topping:

400g Strawberries, sliced
A Packet of Mini Eggs
Mini Marshmallows
500ml Evaporated Milk
110g Butter
500g Sugar

Cream the butter and sugar

Whisk the eggs and add a little at a time, whisking well after each addition. If it starts to curdle, add a spoonful of the flour and mix well.

I used a lasagne dish to bake the cake in rather than a cake tin because I wanted to leave it the dish for serving.
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 170° Fan / 190° C / Gas 5 for around 45-50 minutes. If it starts to go too brown, cover with some baking paper.

When the cake has nearly cooked, put the sauce ingredients into a saucepan and bring to the boil, stirring continually.
When the cake is ready, take out of the oven and arrange the sliced strawberries onto the hot cake then leave to cool for minutes.

Boil for 3 minutes then allow to cool for 5-7 minutes.

When the sauce and cake has cooled slightly, pour the warm sauce on the warm cake. Cover and leave in the fridge overnight.

Before serving, top with mini marshmallows and mini eggs. We had vanilla ice cream with our cake but the girls said it was also lovely with custard the following day :)